Méthodologie et outils de la localisation

Méthodologie et outils de la localisation
Master Langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)Parcours Caweb : communication web multilingue (EAD)


Localization has become essential in any industry that wishes to develop by offering its services internationally.
 This course provides information on tools, processes and methods used in the translation and localization industry, with the focus of quality management in translation. It gives a broader vision of the whole sector of translation, adopting a point-of-view based on processes and on the client/provider perspective.Content details

  • Mastering IT Product Localization

  • Preparing terminology, methodological elements; and for localization projects,

  • Quality control methods,

  • Dealing with the main challenges when managing a multilingual translation projects,

  • Working with CAT tools,

  • Preparing, aligning, correcting and conducting searches in TMs,

  • Introduction to Machine Translation

  • Historical overview of machine translation methods,

  • Importance of pre-translation in translation management systems and Integrating machine translation suggestions into CAT tools,

  • Differences between translation memory matches and machine translated segments in CAT tools,

  • Differences between light and full post-editing, TAUS Post-Editing Course and SDL,

  • Post-Editing Certification,

  • Charging for machine translation as language service provider, and

  • Using MT analysis logs.

Compétences visées

  • Understand localization from the customer's point of view, with emphasis on quality, cost, and delivery.

  • Understand differences between CAT tools and master their basic functions,

  • Understand of how machine translation (MT) output is generated and applied to localization projects,

  • Understand the difference between standard translation and post-editing.