Computer Assisted Writing and Translating

Computer Assisted Writing and Translating
Master Langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)Parcours Caweb : communication web multilingue (EAD)


It will also provide the students with an overview on tools evaluation, authoring assistance tools and content creating tools such as MadCap Flare. There will be 5 online sessions, with each session covering a specific topic:

1.      How to approach tools evaluation as a client/ as an agency project manager/ as a translator

2.      Cloud-based localisation tools for apps 

3.      Cloud-based localization tools for websites 

4.      Machine Translation (MT): creation, connection with an API, use inside a CAT Tool 

5.      Authoring and Authoring Assistance Tools

Compétences visées

  • Use app localisation tools, MT engine creation and use tools, authoring assistance tools, content creation and translation tools and understand their differences

  • Understand when each type of tools can be applied to a content creation or a localisation project