Web Communication and Marketing for Institutional Websites

Web Communication and Marketing for Institutional Websites
Master Langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)Parcours Caweb : communication web multilingue (EAD)


This course provides students with practical experience managing the university's website content, blogs, visuals, and social media communications. Through real-world projects, students apply their curriculum knowledge directly to hands-on tasks, showcasing their skills in content management and digital communication. By actively participating in these projects, students gain valuable experience and develop the proficiency needed to enhance the university's online presence effectively.

Compétences visées

Throughout this course, students will develop essential competencies for effective project management and teamwork. They'll learn to collaborate efficiently within teams, working in agile sprints to meet deadlines and organize tasks effectively. Through strategic thinking, students will align project objectives with stakeholder expectations, ensuring success. They'll also refine skills in stakeholder management, balancing diverse perspectives and priorities. Furthermore, students will create high-quality content for their portfolios, showcasing their practical experience and achievements in project management and teamwork. By the course's end, students will be well-equipped to manage projects successfully and demonstrate their skills in a professional context.