Creating Dynamic Interfaces with Javascript

Creating Dynamic Interfaces with Javascript
Master Langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)Parcours Caweb : communication web multilingue (EAD)


Introduction to React JS, a modern JavaScript library for creating dynamic user interfaces, by learning how to use it via a CDN. Discover the fundamentals of React, including components, JSX and state management with hooks. Learn how to create simple React components and render them in an HTML page, using JSX for familiar syntax. Event management, component stylization and communication between components.

Introduction to Vue.js, a modern, responsive JavaScript framework. Discover the basics of Vue.js, starting with a presentation of the framework and learning how to use it via a CDN. Create your first Vue.js application in a simple HTML page, understand Vue instances and learn how to bind responsive data to HTML elements. Event management and use of Vue directives, component stylization and communication between components.

Compétences visées

Understand the contribution of a JS Framework, and apply it to the development of interactive and dynamic user interfaces, in particular React and/or Vue.js.

Experiment with React and Vue.js directly in an HTML page, using CDNs to include the React and Vue.js libraries.